Thrilling Incidents In American History Preface Revolutionary War Opening Of The Revolution The Boston Massacre Affair of the Sloop Liberty Affair of the Gaspee The Tea Riot The Boston Port Bill The First Continental Congress-Consequent Parliamentary proceedings Organization of the Minute-Men Patrick Henry-Second Provincial Congress-First Military Enterprise Battles of Lexington and Concord Battle of Bunker's Hill Capture of Ticonderoga Second Continental Congress-Washington's Appointment Siege of Boston Incidents at the Evacuation of Boston Burning of Falmouth Arnold's Expedition to Quebec Siege of Quebec, and Death of Montgomery Scenes at Quebec during the Siege Expedition against Charleston The Declaration of Independence The Battle of Long Island Washington's Retreat through New Jersey-Capture of General Lee Battle of Trenton Battle of Princeton Capture of General Prescott Battle of Brandywine Battle of Germantown Battle of Red-Bank Attack on Fort Mifflin-Retirement of the Army to Valley Forge Battle of Bennington Murder of Miss M'Crea Battle of Stillwater Battle of Bemis' Heights, and Retreat of Burgoyne Capture of Forts Clinton and Montgomery Surrender of Burgoyne The Treaty with France Attack on Savannah, and Death of Pulaski Storming of Stony Point General Sullivan's Campaign against the Mohawks Tarleton's Quarters Battle of Camden, and Death of De Kalb Arnold's Treason The Loss of the Randolph The British Prison-Ships Capture of the Serapis Putnam's Feat at Horseneck Battle of Eutaw Springs Wayne's Charge at Green Spring Capture of the General Monk The Mutinies Battle of the Cowpens Capture of New London Massacre of Wyoming Surrender of Cornwallis War With France Capture of L'Insurgente The Constellation and Vengeance War With Tripoli Burning of the Philadelphia Bombardment of Tripoli Loss of the Intrepid Expedition of General Eaton Second War With England Battle of Tippecanoe Capture of the Guerriere Tragical Affair of an Indian Chief Battle and Massacre at the River Raisin Captain Holmes's Expedition Capture of the Caledonia and Detroit The Wasp and Frolic Gallant Conduct of Lieutenant Allen at the Capture of the Macedonian Capture and Destruction of the Java Siege of Fort Meigs Capture of York, and Death of General Pike Defence of Sackett's Harbour Defence of Fort Stephenson Battle of Lake Erie Battle of the Thames Gallant Action of Commodore Chauncey under the guns of Kingston Citadel The Sacking of Hampton Capture of the Peacock Massacre at Fort Mimms Surrender of Weatherford Battle of Niagara BattIe of New Orleans War With Mexico Battle of Palo Alto Battle of Resaca de la Palma Capture of Monterey Battle in the Streets of Monterey Thrilling Scenes in the Battle of Buena Vista Bombardment of Vera Cruz Battle of Cerro Gordo Battles of Contreras and Churubusco Storming of Chapultepec ![]() |
WAYNE'S CHARGE AT GREEN SPRING.THE name of Wayne is associated with all that is daring and chivalric in our revolutionary struggle. Impetuous as a cataract in battle, and yet cool and calculating, few who leaned upon him for support, in the hour of danger, ever complained of disappointment; and his conduct at Germantown, Monmouth, and Stony Point, proves his efficiency both in following a leader, and in commanding an assault. During La Fayette's stirring campaign in Virginia, Wayne was despatched by Washington, to assist that nobleman in his efforts against Cornwallis. On the 6th of July, 1781, La Fayette came up with the British general near the Chickahominy Creek, and on learning that the main body of his army had already crossed the river to the northern bank, leaving behind it on the southern only a rear guard, he detelmined to attack it. The main body of his army had not yet arrived; yet placing the seven hundred men with him, who were the very flower of his army, under General Wayne, he ordered him to attack the supposed rear. Wayne vigorously attacked the pickets, driving them rapidly before him, and pushing for the entire guard. Suddenly a sight terrible. as unexpected burst upon him. The information on which he was acting had been false; the whole British army was drawn up in battle array, and he, with seven hundred men, not fifty yards from them. Retreat was utterly impossible, and to remain inactive would have secured destruction. The least show of fear, the least indecision, would have been fatal; Wayne knew. it, and his course was taken. Parties were already on his flanks; and the enemy pressing forward, certain of undisputed victory. Rallying his little band around him, he ordered a charge with the bayonet, and dashed down into the heart of opposing thousands. Instantly a movement was observed among them, and in a few moments the flanking parties were recalled, and the first line heaved back before the general's furious shock. Even Cornwallis was deceived by so brilliant a manœuvre, and, imagining that the whole American army was approaching, he hastily concentrated his forces, and prepared for the attack. Seeing all obstructions removed, Wayne suddenly withdrew his troops, and, though in the face of a galling fire, conducted them away in excellent order. Bewildered by so inexplicable a movement, the British commander imagined it to be but a stratagem to draw him into an ambuscade, and accordingly forbid all pursuit. The Americans lost one hundred and eight men, a proof of the dreadful fire under which they made their charge. The British loss is unknown. Wayne received the highest commendations of the marquis, as well as those of Washington and Greene. |
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