Thrilling Incidents In American History Preface Revolutionary War Opening Of The Revolution The Boston Massacre Affair of the Sloop Liberty Affair of the Gaspee The Tea Riot The Boston Port Bill The First Continental Congress-Consequent Parliamentary proceedings Organization of the Minute-Men Patrick Henry-Second Provincial Congress-First Military Enterprise Battles of Lexington and Concord Battle of Bunker's Hill Capture of Ticonderoga Second Continental Congress-Washington's Appointment Siege of Boston Incidents at the Evacuation of Boston Burning of Falmouth Arnold's Expedition to Quebec Siege of Quebec, and Death of Montgomery Scenes at Quebec during the Siege Expedition against Charleston The Declaration of Independence The Battle of Long Island Washington's Retreat through New Jersey-Capture of General Lee Battle of Trenton Battle of Princeton Capture of General Prescott Battle of Brandywine Battle of Germantown Battle of Red-Bank Attack on Fort Mifflin-Retirement of the Army to Valley Forge Battle of Bennington Murder of Miss M'Crea Battle of Stillwater Battle of Bemis' Heights, and Retreat of Burgoyne Capture of Forts Clinton and Montgomery Surrender of Burgoyne The Treaty with France Attack on Savannah, and Death of Pulaski Storming of Stony Point General Sullivan's Campaign against the Mohawks Tarleton's Quarters Battle of Camden, and Death of De Kalb Arnold's Treason The Loss of the Randolph The British Prison-Ships Capture of the Serapis Putnam's Feat at Horseneck Battle of Eutaw Springs Wayne's Charge at Green Spring Capture of the General Monk The Mutinies Battle of the Cowpens Capture of New London Massacre of Wyoming Surrender of Cornwallis War With France Capture of L'Insurgente The Constellation and Vengeance War With Tripoli Burning of the Philadelphia Bombardment of Tripoli Loss of the Intrepid Expedition of General Eaton Second War With England Battle of Tippecanoe Capture of the Guerriere Tragical Affair of an Indian Chief Battle and Massacre at the River Raisin Captain Holmes's Expedition Capture of the Caledonia and Detroit The Wasp and Frolic Gallant Conduct of Lieutenant Allen at the Capture of the Macedonian Capture and Destruction of the Java Siege of Fort Meigs Capture of York, and Death of General Pike Defence of Sackett's Harbour Defence of Fort Stephenson Battle of Lake Erie Battle of the Thames Gallant Action of Commodore Chauncey under the guns of Kingston Citadel The Sacking of Hampton Capture of the Peacock Massacre at Fort Mimms Surrender of Weatherford Battle of Niagara BattIe of New Orleans War With Mexico Battle of Palo Alto Battle of Resaca de la Palma Capture of Monterey Battle in the Streets of Monterey Thrilling Scenes in the Battle of Buena Vista Bombardment of Vera Cruz Battle of Cerro Gordo Battles of Contreras and Churubusco Storming of Chapultepec ![]() |
GENERAL SULLIVAN'S CAMPAIGN AGAINST THE MOHAWKS.IN sundry expeditions carried on against the Indians, during the revolutionary war, ample vengeance had been taken on some of them; but these partial successes produced no lasting benefit. The few who escaped had it in their power to make thousands of our settlers miserable. For the permanent security of the frontier, it was resolved, in the year 1779, to carry a decisive expedition into the Indian country. Accordingly, a considerable body of continental troops was selected for this purpose, and placed under the command of General Sullivan. Upon receiving inte1ligence of this movement, the Indians collected their forces, upon advantageous ground, and fortified themselves with strength and precision. In the latter part of August, Su1livan arrived in the neighbourhood of their fort, having marched several hundred miles through an utter wilderness, and experienced hardships both numerous and formidable. The enemy were now in sight, but intrenched behind extensive works, from which nothing could drive them but a fierce exterminating battle. On the 29th, battle was given. It was an action replete with ferocity and bloodshed. One by one, friend and foe were picked off, by the unerring rifle, while a wail of sorrow pierced lamentably through the dread confusion. Dashing the dead from their stations, the Indians stood by their defences with loud shouts, and for two hours defied every effort of their assailants. Exasperated by mutual outrages, each party fought with a desperation worthy of victory. But at length the discipline of regular troops prevailed. The works were reached, the trenches forced, and the savages obliged to flee on all sides. Tbe consternation occasioned by this defeat, was so great that the Indians abandoned all their settlements, and fled towards Canada. General Su1livan advanced through rows of the richest corn fields, blooming orchards, and thriving villages. Over these the withering hand of retaliation was spread, and ruin and desolation blasted the labour of years. Towns and settlements were broken up, vegetation levelled with the ground, and all portable property captured. At night the glare of fire reflected from the sky, showed where the cottage was consuming; while in the distance the wretched red man was chafing in wild, but impotent fury, or casting one sad look on his ruined home. The quantity of corn destroyed was immense. Orchards in which were several hundred fruit trees, were cut down-many of these had been planted for a number of years. The Indians were made to feel the calamities they had so often inflicted upon others; and the sufferings they experienced, together with a fear of their repetition, should they recommence their depredations, rendered their invasions cautious and timid. Meanwhile (July 23d), a party of sixty Indians and twenty-seven whites, under the infamous Brandt, attacked the Minisink settlement, fired a fort, two mills, and a number of other dwellings, and carried off some prisoners and booty. About one hundred and fifty militia assembled and pursued them; but acted with so little caution, that they were defeated by the Indians. Another defeat experienced by the Indians about this time, contributed, in no little degree, to prevent for a short time the numerous outhreaks which they had so long carried on. General Williamson and Colonel Pickens entered the Indian country adjacent to South Carolina, burned and destroyed the corn of eight towns, pursued the warriors from post to post, and finally insisted upon their removing immediately from their habitations into the more remote settlements. In 1781, the Cherokee Indians commenced hostilities in the district of Ninety-Six, burning some houses, and murdering several families. General Pickens promptly collected a party of three hundred and ninety-four horsemen; and, after a march of fourteen days, arrived in their country. To the savages his progress was terrible. Forty were killed, a large number taken prisoners, and thirteen of their towns and villages destroyed. In this expedition, the troops fought in a manner altogether unique-the horsemen rushing forward on horseback, and charging the Indians with drawn swords. This was the most rapid and decisive of all the invasions of the Indian country during the war. Not an American was killed, and but two wounded. The vanquished Cherokees sued for peace in the most submissive manner, promising to deliver to the United States all royalists who should hereafter instigate them to hostilities. Some other disturbances happened with various tribes, previous to the close of the war. The suffering produced in some of these was fearful. Not only warriors, but women and children were indiscriminately massacred, and whole settlements involved in flames. Each party was a scourge to the other; and war was rendered doubly distressing, by the dispersion of families, the breaking up of settlements, and a savage devastation of those objects which conduce to the comfort of life. |
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